Sardine catédine
This is a choosing rhyme. Like many rhymes like this, most of these words are nonsense...
Sardine catédine
Sardine catedin
Comptine d'élimination
Counting-out Rhyme
Sardine catédine catédine fouchtra,
You, you, you, la Cathérina,
Sardine catédine catédine fouchtra,
You, you, you, c'est toi qui t'en vas.
Sardine catedin catedin foochtra,
You, you, you, the Katherina,
Sardine catedin catedin foochtra,
You, you, you, you go out.
Alternate version –"this is the one we used" – Monique.
Sardine catédine catédine fouchtra,
You, you, you, ya, ya, ya,
Sardine catédine catédine fouchtra,
Un baiser pour celui-là/celle-là.
English translation
Sardine catedin catedin foochtra,
You, you, you, ya, ya, ya,
Sardine catedin catedin foochtra,
A kiss for this one.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song!
Merci beaucoup!