
*Alternate word "Pernod" –which is a brand of anis liquor.

Game Instructions

Tu m'as: Clap your thighs.
Volé: Clap your hands.
Dans mon château: Clap your partner's right hand, left hand, then both hands.
Une: Clap your thighs.
Bouteil-: Clap your hands.
-le de Bordeaux: Clap your partner's right hand, left hand, both hands.
Tu me la rendras: Wiggle your right forefinger as if threatening.
Tu me la paieras: Wiggle your left forefinger as if threatening.
Sinon: Clap your thighs.
J'irai: Clap your hands.
Le dire à: Clap your partner's right hand, then left hand.
Mon: Clap your thighs.
Pè-: Clap your hands.
-re: Clap your partner's hands.
Tu me la rendras: Wiggle your right forefinger as if threatening.
Tu me la paieras: Wiggle your left forefinger as if threatening.
Sinon: Clap your thighs.
J'irai: Clap your hands.
Le dir' à mon: Clap your partner's right hand, then left hand.
Pa-: Clap your hands.
-pa: Clap your partner's hands.


Monique wrote, "When I was a child, we would sing it with 'une bouteille de Pernod'."

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing this rhyme. Translation by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.

Merci beaucoup!