San Serafín del Monte
San Serafín del Monte
St. Seraphim of the Mount
Canción de corro
Circle Game
San Serafín del Monte,
San Serafín, ¿qué haré?
-Haz como buen cristiano.
-Yo me hincaré.
San Serafín del Monte,
San Serafín, ¿qué haré?
-Haz como buen cristiano.
-Yo me sentaré.
San Serafín del Monte,
San Serafín, ¿qué haré?
-Haz como buen cristiano.
-Yo me acostaré.
"St. Seraphim of the Mount,
St. Seraphim, what should I do?"
"Do as a good Christian."
"I will kneel down."
"St. Seraphim of the Mount,
St. Seraphim, what should I do?"
"Do as a good Christian."
"I will sit down."
"St. Seraphim of the Mount,
St. Seraphim, what should I do?"
"Do as a good Christian."
"I will lie down."
Alternate version of the 2nd line: "San Serafín, cordero" (Saint Seraphim, lamb)
Game Instructions
The children choose a leader and stand in a circle. They sing clapping their hands and follow the leader's instructions according to what s/he says.
The children can add as many verses as they wish, only the last line changes. Here are some possible last lines:
Yo me pararé (I will stop)
Yo saludaré (I will bow)
Yo me reiré (I will laugh)
Yo me rascaré (I will scratch)
