Aserrín, aserrán
Aserrín, aserrán
Sawdust, Saw-saw
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Aserrín, aserrán,
los maderos de San Juan,
piden pan,
no les dan,
piden queso,
les dan hueso
y se les atora en el pescuezo!
Piden vino, si les dan
Se marean y se van.
Aserrín, aserrán,
los maderos de San Juan,
piden pan
no les dan,
piden queso,
les dan hueso
y se les atora en el pescuezo!
Piden vino, si les dan
Se marean y se van.
Aserrín, aserrán,
los maderos de San Juan,
piden pan
no les dan,
piden queso,
les dan hueso
piden ají,
y los botan así.
Sawdust, saw-saw,
The lumberjacks of San Juan
They ask for bread,
They're given none.
They ask for cheese,
They're given a bone
And it gets stuck in their neck!
They ask for wine, if they're given some,
They get lightheaded and they leave.
Sawdust, saw-saw,
The lumberjacks of San Juan
They ask for bread,
They're given none.
They ask for cheese,
They're given a bone
And it gets stuck in their neck!
They ask for wine, if they're given some,
They get lightheaded and they leave.
Sawdust, saw-saw,
The lumberjacks of San Juan
They ask for bread,
They're given none.
They ask for cheese,
They're given a bone.
They ask for chili
And they throw it up like that.
This song is based on a poem by Columbian poet Jose Asuncion Silva (1865 - 1896) called "Los maderos de San Juan".
Game Instructions
The child "rides" on the adult's knees and the adult holds the child's hands and makes a push and pull saw movement.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Carlos Arturo Casas Mendoza for contributing this song. Translated by Lisa Yannucci. Thanks to Lila for the illustration!
¡Muchas gracias!