El burro
Here's a counting out rhyme based around the vowels!
El burro
The Donkey
Rima de sorteo
Counting-out Rhyme
A, el burro se va,
E, el burro se fue,
I, el burro está aquí,
O, el burro se ahogó,
U, el burro eres tú.
A, The donkey's going away,
E, The donkey did flee,
I, The donkey is standing by,
O, The donkey drowned, oh no!
U, The donkey is you!
We took some liberties with the translation above to preserve the rhyming scheme of the original. A more literal translation would be:
A, The donkey goes away,
E, The donkey is gone,
I, The donkey is here,
O, The donkey drowned,
U, The donkey is you!
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Monique Palomares for sharing this rhyme! Translations by Lisa Yannucci and Monique Palomares.