La bella lavanderina
Imitate the actions in the song…
La bella lavanderina
The Pretty Washerwoman
Singing Circle Game
Singing Circle Game
La bella lavanderina
che lava i fazzoletti
per i poveretti
della città.
Fai un salto,
fanne un altro,
fai la giravolta,*
falla un'altra volta,*
guarda in su
guarda in giù
dai un bacio
a chi vuoi tu.
The beautiful washerwomen
washing the hankies
for the poor
in the city.
Take a jump,
take another,
turn around,
turn again,
look up
look down,
give a kiss
to whoever you want.
*Sometimes these two lines are:
Fai la riverenza (Do a curtsey)
Fai la penitenza (Do penance)
Game Instructions
The children stand in a circle and "la bella lavanderina" stands in the middle. She does the actions in the song when they're sung. On "Fai la penitenza" (Do penance), she kneels briefly. At the end, she kisses someone who in turn becomes "la bella lavanderina".

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translation: Mama Lisa
Thanks to Elena Messina for pointing out the other possible verse! In her version, it's sung with the alternate lines first.