Arbolito de Naranja
This song is usually sung at the end of Buenos días su señoría.
Arbolito de Naranja
Little Orange Tree
Danza en círculo
Circle Dance
Arbolito de naranja,
Peinecito de marfil,
De la niña más bonita
Del Colegio de Guayaquil.
La Chanita y la Juanita
Se fueron a cortar limones;
Encontraron el árbol seco
Y se dieron de topetones.
A little orange tree,
A little ivory comb,
For the prettiest girl
At Guayaquil High School.
Chanita and Juanita
Went to pick lemons;
They found the tree dried up,
So they bumped heads.
2nd verse alternate version:
La Chanita y la Juanita
Se fueron a cortar limones,
A buscar lo que han perdido
Debajo del arrayán*.
¡Árbol seco, árbol seco!
English translation
Chanita and Juanita
Went to pick lemons,
To look for what they lost
Below the myrtle tree.
Dry tree, dry tree!
*According to where this verse originated, an "arrayán" may be a myrtle tree in Spain, a Chilean myrtle in Chile and Argentina, or a vochysiaceae (another plant –tree, shrub or creeper- of the myrtle family) in Colombia.
Game Instructions
The children hold hands and go around in a circle singing this song.