"'Kodom' is a kind of flower that blooms in the rainy season in Bangladesh." -Purabi

"Some also call this song সোনামণির বে (Sonamonir Be - Little Darling's Wedding)." -Prama

কদম তলা (Kodom Tola) - Bangladeshi Children's Songs - Bangladesh - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image



Chand utheche, phul phuteche,
Kodom tolai ke?
Hati nachche, ghorha nachche
Sonamonir bey.


The photo is a picture of a kodom or kadam flower.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Purabi Khisa for contributing and translating this rhyme! Thanks to Prama Neogi for the Bengali text.
