Old Lady and The Devil
Newell Tate sent this song with the note: "My grandmother sang a song:"
Old Lady and The Devil
Children's Song
There was an old man who lived on a farm,
Fie diddle fie day
There was an old man who lived on a farm,
He did no one a bit of harm
Fie diddle fie dum fie day.
The devil came to him in the field one day
Fie diddle fie day
The devil came to him in the field one day said,
"One of your family I must take away."
Fie diddle fie dum fie day.
Well, you can't have my oldest son,
The harvest work has just begun.
But you may have my scolding wife,
But you can't keep her to save your life.
The old devil carried her off in a sack,
I know he'll not keep her,
He'll be bringing her back.
Three little devils come dragging their chains
She up with a shovel and beat out their brains
The devil came dragging her over the hill
If the devil won't keep her, I don't know who will.
Newell wrote: "[My grandmother sang a song] ...Now isn't that a lovely song to sing to your grandchildren. Lol . I am 81 years old so that is a real oldie."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Newell Tate for contributing this wonderful song.
Thanks so much!