Polichinelle monte à l'échelle
Polichinelle is the French name for Pulcinella, a character in the Italian Commedia dell'arte.
Polichinelle monte à l'échelle
Pulcinella Climbs Up the Ladder
Monte à l'échelle,
Un peu plus haut
Se casse le dos,
Un peu plus bas
Se casse le bras,
Trois coups de bâton,
En voici un,
En voici deux,
En voici trois.
Climbs up the ladder,
A little higher
He breaks his back,
A little lower
He breaks his arm.
Three whacks of the stick,
Here's one
Here's two
Here's three.
Many thanks to Edit' Dupont for contributing and reciting this round for Mama Lisa's World. Translation: Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.
Sheet Music