Canta el gall
This song is sung to the tune of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".
Canta el gall
The Rooster Sings
Hand Play
Hand Play
Cada dia al dematí
canta un gall quiquiriquic
i la gent mig adormida
es desperta de seguida.
Cada dia al dematí
canta el gall quiquiriquic.
Every day, in the morning,
A rooster sings Quiquiriquic*,
And people still sleepy,
Wake up at once.
Every day, in the morning,
The rooster sings Quiquiriquic*.
*"Quiquiriquic" is the sound a rooster makes in Catalan, in English it's "cock-a-doodle-doo".
About the Catalan Language
The largest Catalan speaking population is in Spain. It's the official language of Andorra. It is also spoken in the French Pyrenees, the Balearic Islands and in the town of Alghero, on the island of Sardinia, Italy. Linguistically, Catalan is part of the Romance family, closest to the Occitan language.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Merce Torra for contributing, translating and singing this song for Mama Lisa's World!