"This is a folksong from Nigeria. Children from the Yoruba speaking part of the country sing this song while playing together outdoors. They sing it, sometimes holding hands or sitting down under the shade of a tree in the hot sun…" -Belinda

L'abe igi orombo - Nigerian Children's Songs - Nigeria - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Many thanks to Belinda (Yinka) Adisa, from the Yoruba Roots Language School, for contributing and translating this song and for the recording. Thanks to Monique Palomares for the midi and score.

You can hear background music for this song in the mp3 recording below....


Many thanks to Mackenzie Wang for sharing the background music to this song! Mackenzie wrote, "We sang a few songs that I found on your website in a little outdoor spring show last month, and my husband and I created backing tracks for each. I would love to provide them to you so they can be shared with the community."

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The girls in the video below learnt this song here on Mama Lisa's World and added their own harmony to go with the melody.
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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - L'abe igi orombo