There are different versions of this rhyme.

Knock at the Door, Peep In - Scottish Children's Songs - Scotland - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Alysa wrote: "My nanna passed away a couple of years ago and i am trying to compile all her Scottish nursery rhymes and lullabies she used to sing to us… Nanna was from Dumbarton in Scotland, but moved to New Zealand when she was 4 years old, but still sung all of these with a Scottish accent, it was fantastic!"

Game Instructions

1. Lightly "knock" on the forehead.
2. Carefully rise up each eyebrow.
3. Gently lift up the tip of the nose.
4. Rub the cheeks like you're wiping feet on a mat.
5. Pretend to walk your fingers into the mouth.

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Alysa Wakefield for contributing this rhyme.

Thanks to Lila for the illustration!

Thanks so much!