Come and See America Wonder
Come and See America Wonder
Come and See America Wonder
Masquerade Song
Masquerade Song
(Cameroonian Pidgin English)
Lead: Come and see
All: America wonder
Lead: Come and see
All: America wonder
Lead: Who no know,
All: America wonder
Lead: Who no know,
All: America wonder
Lead: Come and see
All: America wonder
Lead: Come and see
All: America wonder
Lead: Who doesn't know,
All: America wonder
Lead: Who doesn't know,
All: America wonder
Song Notes from Nyango: Who no know = pidgin English for "who doesn't know". Basically the "juju" = masquerade was supposed to be the American Wonder. America Wonder is generally used to describe a new marvel, surprise.
I asked Nyango if "Juju" means "Masquerade". Here's what she responded: "Yes. It is both singular and plural and refers to the individual or individuals or spirit (in some beliefs) wearing the mask. Just like with Santa Claus, you never say an individual is the 'juju' - A Juju is a Juju, just like Santa is Santa."
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Nyango M. Nambangi of the Minnesota African Women's Association for contributing this song and for the commentary.
Thanks so much!