El gall i la gallina
El gall i la gallina
The Rooster and the Hen
Children's Song
Children's Song
El gall i la gallina
Estaven al balcó,
La gallina s'adormia
I el gall li fa un petó.
-Dolent, més que dolent!
Què dirà la gent?
-Que diguin el que vulguin
Que jo ja estic content!
The rooster and the hen
Were on the balcony,
The hen was falling asleep
And the rooster gave her a kiss.
-Naughty, more than naughty!
What will people say?
-Let them say what they want,
For now I'm happy!
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Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Irene Comas for contributing this song and the Spanish translation. Many thanks to Monique Palomares for the English translation (edited by Mama Lisa).
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