Farrin sent this song with the note: "I wanted to share my version that my mom used to sing to me and my brother when we were kids... oooh I used to be so scared of it. The lyrics are…"

The Hearse Song - American Children's Songs - The USA - Mama Lisa's World: Children's Songs and Rhymes from Around the World  - Intro Image


Join the conversation about The Hearse Song (The Worms Crawl In, The Worms Crawl Out) on Mama Lisa's World Blog and share your version!


Farrin sent this song with the note: "Hey, I saw your post and I wanted to share my version that my mom used to sing to me and my brother when we were kids... oooh I used to be so scared of it. I attached a file of me singing it in this freaky voice my mom used to do..."


Thanks to Farrin Oxhorn for contributing and singing this song!

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Gracie Gralike for the great drawing!

Thank you very much!