The Green Grass Grew Around
(Cameroonian Version)
The Green Grass Grew Around
(Cameroonian Version)
Children's Song
There was a tree, a very fine tree,
The finest tree, you ever did see,
The tree was in the bush
And the green grass grew around, around, around,
And the green grass grew around.
And on the tree, there was a branch,
The finest branch, you ever did see,
The branch was on the tree
The tree was in the bush
And the green grass grew around, around, around,
And the green grass grew around.
And on the branch, there was a leaf,
The finest leaf, you ever did see,
The leaf was on the branch
The branch was on the tree
The tree was in the bush
And the green grass grew around, around, around,
And the green grass grew around.
And on the leaf, there was a nest,
The finest nest, you ever did see,
The nest was on the leaf
The leaf was on the branch
The branch was on the tree
The tree was in the bush
And the green grass grew around, around, around,
And the green grass grew around.
And in the nest, there was an egg,
The finest egg, you ever did see,
The egg was in the nest
The nest was on the leaf
The leaf was on the branch
The branch was on the tree
The tree was in the bush
And the green grass grew around, around, around,
And the green grass grew around.
And in the egg, there was a bird,
The finest bird you ever did see,
The bird was in the egg
The egg was in the nest
The nest was on the leaf
The leaf was on the branch
The branch was on the tree
The tree was in the bush
And the green grass grew around, around, around,
And the green grass grew around.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Nyango M. Nambangi of the Minnesota African Women's Association for contributing this song and for telling us about the singing traditions in Cameroon.
Thanks so much!