Mary and Martha Met a Boy with a Bunch of Bananas
Nyango sent this song with the note: "Here's a song we learned to help us with grammar/punctuation…"
Mary and Martha Met a Boy with a Bunch of Bananas
Children's Song
Mary and Martha met a boy with a bunch of bananas
"Will you buy?"
Mary and Martha met a boy with a bunch of bananas
"Will you buy?"
"No, comma. I will not buy it comma, said John full stop.
No, comma, I will not buy it comma, said John full stop"
Nyango wrote: "We actually say 'comma' and 'full stop' (= period) as we sing. Cute!"
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Nyango M. Nambangi of the Minnesota African Women's Association for contributing this song and for telling us about the singing traditions in Cameroon.
Thanks so much!