Game Instructions

Heleen de Vaan was kind enough to send me the following hand gestures that go with this song...

"Cuando tienen hambre" - rub your belly
"Cuando tienen frío" - cross your arms and shiver as if you feel cold
"La gallina busca el maíz y el trigo"- move your head up and down, like a pecking chicken
"Les da la comida" - open your hand and put it forward
"Y les presta abrigo" - put your arms around yourself
"Bajo de sus alas, acurrucaditos" - put your arms around the one who's next to you
"Duermen los pollitos" - put your face into your hands and close your eyes.

Many thanks to Heleen for providing us with all of this information!


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Los pollitos dicen

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Pilar Griffin for contributing and translating "Los Pollitos Dicen"!

¡Muchas gracias!