Bruder Jakob
Bruder Jakob
Brother James
Children's Song
Children's Song
Bruder Jakob,
Bruder Jakob
Schläfst du noch?
Schläfst du noch?
Hörst du nicht die Glocke
Hörst du nicht die Glocke
Ding, dang, dong,
Ding, dang, dong!
Brother James,
Brother James,
Are you still sleeping?
Are you still sleeping?
Don't you hear the bell?
Don't you hear the bell?
Ding, dang, dong,
Ding, dang, dong!
Jeffrey McKnight wrote:
"I would like to submit an alternate version of Frere Jacques in German. The translation is closer to the English version, but I think it fits the meter of the melody very nicely, and the use of the formal Sie is more appropriate for a monk. Alternately, you could use the singular version, morning bell (Morgenglocke) which flows a little better, though the translation is not quite as accurate.
Bruder Jakob, Bruder Jakob,
Schlafen Sie? Schlafen Sie?
Morgenglocken klingen; Morgenglocken klingen
Kling, kläng, klang; Kling, kläng, klang."

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing this song, for translating it and creating the midi music. Thanks to Jeffrey McKnight for sharing his version!
Vielen Dank!