Ya viene el cartero
Mariángel wrote, "Here's one I used to play as a kid in Spain"…
Ya viene el cartero
Here Comes the Postman
Canción de comba
Jump Rope Song
Ya viene el cartero
¿Qué cartas traerá?
Traiga las que traiga
se recibirá.
-Pom, pom.
-¿Quién es?
-El cartero.
-¿Trae cartas?
-Pues hasta luego.
Here comes the postman
What letters will he bring?
Whatever he brings,
We will receive him.
-Knock knock
-Who's there?
-The postman.
-Do you bring letters?
-Then goodbye.
The first part of this song has the same music as "El patio de mi casa", the second is just spoken.
Game Instructions
Two girls swing the rope from side to side (not up and down), and the rest make a line. During the first part of the song, only one girl jumps. During the second part (the dialogue), the next in line joins the first girl and they both jump together. After "Hasta luego", the first girl leaves and goes back to the end of the line, and everything starts over again.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Mariángel Alfonseca for contributing and translating this song and for providing the game instructions.
¡Muchas gracias!