Cantem Nadal
This Christmas Carol is in the language of the Troubadours.

Cantem Nadal
Let's Sing Christmas
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Ieu me siái levat per un matinet
Que l'auba metiá son blanc mantelet.
Cantem Nadal, Nadal, Nadal,
Cantem Nadal encara.
Cantem Nadal, Nadal, Nadal,
Cantem Nadal encara.
Ai pres ma capòta e mon capulet
E mon cort mantèl de droguet* violet.
Puèi me'n siái anat cercar Guilhaumet,
"Qu'escotas aquí, gai pastorelet?"
Escoti cantar lo rossinholet,
Jamai n'ai ausit cant tant aimablet.
N'es lo rossinhòl ni autre aucelet
Mas del Paradís un bèl angelet.
Ditz qu'a Betelèm, dins un establet
Es nascut anuèit un Dieu enfantet.
Ai pres mon auboesa e mon flajolet
Guilhaume sa viòla ambe son arquet.
Venètz pastorèls, al sant Anhelet
Anirem ofrir un cant novelet.
I got up one early morning
When the dawn was putting its little white mantel on.
Let's sing Christmas, Christmas, Christmas,
Let's sing Christmas again.
Let's sing Christmas, Christmas, Christmas,
Let's sing Christmas again.
I took my cloak and my hood
And my short coat of violet wool*.
Then I went to fetch little William,
"What are you listening to, gay little shepherd?"
I'm listening to the little nightingale sing,
Never have I heard such a nice song.
It's not the nightingale nor any other little bird,
But a beautiful angel from Paradise.
He says that in Bethlehem, in a little stable,
Last night a Child God was born.
I took my oboe and my flageolet**,
William his viola with his bow.
Come, shepherds, to the Holy Lamb
We'll go present a new song.
*Drugget was a coarse woven fabric.
**A flageolet is a woodwind instrument in the fipple flute family.
There are slightly different versions of this song. You'll notice slight differences between the midi tune and the sheet music.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song (with Lisa), for the score, the midi and the mp3 music.
Image: 1912 Illustration to Hans Christian Andersen's 'Nightingale' by Russian Artist, Heorhiy Narbut.
Mercé plan!