"Mā" is White
The italicized words below are in the Maori language...
"Mā" is White
Children's Song
Mā* is white, whero is red, käkäriki green
Pango is black, mangu is too, A. E. I. O. U.
Köwhai yellow, päkäkä brown, kiko-rangi blue
Pa-raka-raka is our orange, A. E. I. O. U.
Wera is hot, maku wet, makariri cold
Ua is rain, mahana warm, A. E. I. O. U.
Tahi is one, rua is two, toru number three
Whä is four, rima is five, 1, 2, 3, 4 ,5
Ono is six, whitu is seven waru number eight,
Iwa is nine, tekau is ten, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
*This is sometimes written as mä for white, due to computers having trouble with the characters.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to John Archer of New Zealand Folk Song for contributing this song. Thanks also to Maori Images for permission to use the Maori divider images.
Ka pai!