Guess I'll Go Eat Worms
"Guess I'll Go Eat Worms" is also called "Nobody Likes Me, Everybody Hates Me".
Guess I'll Go Eat Worms
Children's Song
Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
Guess I'll go eat worms.
Long, thin, slimy ones,
Short, fat, juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy wuzzy worms.
Down goes the first one,
Down goes the second one,
Oh, how they wiggle and squirm.
Up comes the first one,
Up comes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Here's another version:
Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me!
Guess I'll go eat worms.
Long, slim slimy ones,
Short, fat juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.
First you get a bucket,
Then you get a shovel,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
First you pull the heads off,
Then you suck the guts out.
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Down goes the first one,
Down goes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Up comes the first one,
Up comes the second one,
Oh how they wiggle and squirm.
Rebecca Rush wrote, "I learned it like this..."
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
Guess I'll go eat worms
Big fat juicy ones
Little tiny squishy ones
Yummy yummy ooey gooey worms
First one was easy
Second one was greasy
Third and fourth went down.....gulp
Fifth got stuck
Sixth came up
Oh how I hate worms!
Kathie Rush wrote, "Nobody likes me song - the way I learned it..."
Nobody likes me, Everybody hates me,
Guess I go eat worms.
Long, slim and slimy ones,
Big, fat juicy ones,
The kind that wiggle and squirm.
Bite their heads off, suck their guts out,
Throw their skins away.
Nobody knows how man can survive on
worms three times a day!
Donated by:
Kathie Rush from Georgia
Learned it in camp 40 years ago.
Joan D. sent this version:
No body likes me,
Everybody hates me,
Guess I'll go eat worms.
Long, slim, slimey ones,
Big fat, juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.
First you bite the head off,
Then you suck the juice out,
Then you throw the rest away.
Long, slim, slimey ones,
Big, fat, juicy ones,
Itsy, bitsy, fuzzy, wuzzy worms.
Jerry Krantman sent his version:
Nobody likes me. Everybody hates me.
Guess I'll go eat worms.
Big, fat juicy ones, little bitty skinny ones.
See how they wiggle and squirm.
Bite their heads off, suck the juice out,
Throw the skins away.
I don't see how birds can thrive on worms three times a day.
Susan Alfred sent her version:
Worm song version I learned as a kid...
Nobody likes me everybody hates me, guess I'll eat some worms.
Big ones, fat ones, long ones, skinny ones, you can watch them squirm.
Bite their heads off, suck their juice out, throw their skins away
Wish I could have them 3 times a day
In between meals too...
Stephen M. Ashe sent this version:
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I think I'll eat some worms
big fat juicy ones, long skinny slimy ones,
itsy bitsy fuzzy worms, yum yum!
First you bite the head off, then you suck the guts out,
then you throw the rest away,
big fat juicy ones, long skinny slimy ones,
itsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy worms, yum yum!
Down goes the first one, down goes the second one,
down goes the third little worm,
big fat juicy ones, long skinny slimy ones
itsy bitsy fuzzy worms, yum yum!
Up comes the third one, up comes the second one,
up comes the first little worm
big fat juicy ones, long skinny slimy ones
itsy bitsy fuzzy wuzzy worms, yum yum!
Nihilistie wrote, "Got 2 more versions for you of the song 'Nobody likes me, everybody hates me'. Here's the 1st:
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I think I'll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones
Eensie weensy squeensy ones
See how they wiggle and squirm!
Down goes the first one, down goes the second one
Oh how they wiggle and squirm!
Up comes the first one, up comes the second one
Oh how they wiggle and squirm!
I bite off the heads, and suck out the juice
And throw the skins away!
Nobody knows how fat I grow
On worms three times a day!
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me
I think I'll go eat worms!
Big fat juicy ones
Eensie weensy squeensy ones
See how they wiggle and squirm!
And here's the 2nd version:
Nobody likes me
everybody hates me
going down the path to eat worms
Big, fat, juicy ones,
little, bitty, ooky ones,
Worms that wiggle & squirm
First one's greasy goes down easy
2nd one sticks to my tongue
3rd one rusts
4th one busts
5th one began to run.
Going down the path (or garden in some versions) to eat worms."
Ava and Madeline sent the version they know (you can hear it in the mp3 below):
Nobody likes me
Everyone hates me
Guess I'll go eat worms
Cheesy, wheezy, eensy
Little tiny bitty ones
Big fat wiggly worms
Down goes the first one
The second one gets stuck
The last goes down Mmmmm
Nobody likes me
Everyone hates me
Guess I'll go eat worms
Cheesy, wheezy, eensy
Little tiny bitty ones
Big fat wiggly worms.
Misty Morales wrote:
"Here's my childhood version that my mom sang to me..."
Nobody loves me,
everybody hates me,
I'm gonna eat a worm!
Great big fat ones,
little bitty skinny ones,
ones that wiggle and squirm!
First ones greasy,
went down easy,
second one stuck to my tongue,
third one got all caught in my throat,
and the fourth one tried to run!
First you bite off the heads,
then suck out the guts
and throw the skins away,
Nobody knows what us kids eat
but worms three times a day!
And in between meals too!
Bethany H. wrote:
Here's my version from my childhood:
Nobody likes me,
Everybody hates me,
Going down the garden to eat worms
Long, thin slimy ones
Short, fat fuzzy ones
fuzzy wuzzy worms
The long, thin slimy ones slip down easy
But the short fat fuzzy ones stick, eugh!
The short, fat fuzzy ones stick in your teeth
and the juice goes sch sch sch.
So you bite off the heads and suck out the juice
and throw the skins awaaaay
Nobody knows how I survive
On 100 worms a daa-ay.
Kirk sent this version:
Nobody likes me.
Everyone hates me.
Guess I'll eat some worms.
Big fat juicy ones.
Itsy bitsy teenie ones.
Ushy gooshie teenie weenie worms.
First I'll bite the heads off.
Then I'll bite the tails off.
Then I'll through the rest away
Big fat juicy ones.
Itsy bitsy teenie ones.
Guess I'll eat some worms.
Jurzay Kelpin wrote:
"The version I got taught in school is..."
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me guess I'll go eat worms,
Big fat juicy ones, little wet wiggly ones, watch them wiggly and scrum,
Bite there heads off, suck their guts out, I don't see how birds can live off worms three times a day,
Nobody likes me, everybody hates me.
Nancy Kaufman shared this version:
Nobody likes me
Everybody hates me
I'm gonna go and eat worms
Big worms little worms
Fat worms, skinny worms
They all taste the same to me
Long worms, short worms
They all look the same to me
How do you eat them?
Oh you lay them on their back
Flat on their back
Make sure that they don't move their mouth
Then you take a knife
And cut open their stomachs
And you suck all the custard out
Ewwww that's disgusting!
Many versions of this song exist. If you'd like to send us the version you know, please email me. - Thanks! -Mama Lisa

Ava and Madeline sent the version they know (you can hear it in the mp3 below):
Nobody likes me
Everyone hates me
Guess I'll go eat worms
Cheesy, wheezy, eensy
Little tiny bitty ones
Big fat wiggly worms
Down goes the first one
The second one gets stuck
The last goes down Mmmmm
Nobody likes me
Everyone hates me
Guess I'll go eat worms
Cheesy, wheezy, eensy
Little tiny bitty ones
Big fat wiggly worms.
Thanks to Ava and Madeline for singing this song for us and recording it!

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Rebecca Rush, Kathie Rush, Jerry Krantman, Joan D., Stephen M. Ashe,
Nihilistie, Susan Alfred, Misty Morales, Bethany H. and Ava, Madeline, Jurzay Kelpin, Nancy Kaufman and Kirk for sharing their versions of this chant!