Chocolate, molinillo
A molinillo is a little whisk used for stirring chocolate milk in some countries like Mexico. It looks like the whisk in the picture above.

Chocolate, molinillo
Chocolate Stirrer
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Chocolate, molinillo, estirar, estirar
Que el demonio va a pasar.
Dicen que soy, que soy una cojita
Y si lo soy, lo soy de a mentiritas
Desde chiquitita me quedé, me quedé
Cojita, cojita, cojita de un pie
Me gusta la leche, me gusta el café
Pero más me gustan los ojos de usted.
Chocolate, stirrer, stretch, stretch,
For the devil's going to pass by.
They say that I'm, that I'm lame,
And if I am, I am not for real.
Since I was little I've been, I've been
Lame, lame, lame on one foot.
I like milk, I like coffee,
But I like your eyes better.
Game Instructions
We sing this song in a big circle holding hands. We start the game by saying "chocolate, molinillo" and we join hands and move them as we do when stirring the chocolate with the stirrer. I think that when we say "estirar" we stretch without breaking the circle (to make it wider). When we start singing "dicen que soy…" someone goes to the center of the circle and whirls around while hopping on one foot, while closing his/her eyes. When he says "pero más me gustan los ojos de usted", he pulls out his hand to point to someone then opens his eyes. Whoever has been designated will be the next one to go in the middle.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Rosa López for contributing this song. Thanks to Monique Palomares for the midi tune.
Translated by Monique Palomares with a little help by Lisa Yannucci.
¡Muchas gracias!