Biedroneczka mała
A "ladybird" is the same as a "ladybug" .
Biedroneczka mała
A Little Ladybird
Finger Play
Finger Play
Biedroneczka mała
Robaczki spotkała
1. Z tym się przywitała
2. Tego pogłaskała
3. Temu pomachała
4. Tego zabrać chciała
5. Tego pożegnała
I do nieba poleciała.
A little ladybird,
Met a few little worms:
1. She greeted this one
2. Stroked this one
3. Waved to this one
4. Wanted to grab this one
5. Said goodbye to this one...
And flew to the sky.
Please let us know if you think this video has been taken down by YouTube.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Agnieszka Magnucka for contributing and translating this finger play and for the illustration!