Ata'ki mi boka narnishi riba dje
Orlando sent me this song, with the note: "This one they sing to children making them aware of what the senses are for, and especially the ears to listen with. We repeat with stress that they know they must listen when adults speak to them!"
Ata'ki mi boka narnishi riba dje
Here Is My Mouth and Nose Above It
Children's Song
Children's Song
Ata'ki mi boka
Narnishi riba dje
Dos wowo pa mi mira,
Orea pa tende [ e e ]
Orea pa tende [ e e ]
Ata'ki mi dede
Ata'ki mi duim
Tur hunte ta diez dede
Tur hunte ta dos duim.
Here is my mouth,
And nose above it,
Two eyes to see with,
Ears to hear [huh huh],
Ears to hear [huh huh].
Here is my finger,
Here is my thumb,
All together ten fingers
All together two thumbs.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Orlando Haynes for contributing and translating this song, and for the interesting commentary.