Мыши водят хоровод
Мыши водят хоровод
Hush You Mice!
Circle Game
Circle Game
Мыши водят хоровод.
На лежанке др емлет кот.
Тише, мыши, не шумите,
Кота Ваську не будите!
Вот проснется Васька-кот
Разобьет ваш хоровод.
Mice are dancing in a round,
On a bench a cat is sleeping.
"Hush, you mice, don't make such noise
Or you'll wake up Vaska* Cat
Vaska Cat will jump and leap
And will spoil and break your round".
*Vaska is a popular male name
(often used for cats)
(From Google Translate)
Myshi vodyat khorovod.
Na lezhanke dr yemlet kot.
Tishe, myshi, ne shumite,
Kota Vas'ku ne budite!
Vot prosnetsya Vas'ka-kot
Razob'yet vash khorovod.
Here's a rhyming version by Genia Gurarie:
Hush you mice! a cat is near us,
He can see us, he can hear us...
--What if he is on a diet?--
Even then you should be quiet!
Game Instructions
Everyone goes in a circle holding hands. The child who is the "cat" goes in the middle of the circle and lies down and pretends to sleep. Everyone else goes around in a circle quietly and recites the rhyme. At the end the "cat" can jump up and chase the mice.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Genia Gurarie for contributing the second rhyming English version of this nursery rhyme.
My thanks also go out to Natalia, for contributing the Russian version of this rhyme, and the first, more literal English version.
Bolshoe spasibo!
Большое спасибо!