Petit Pouce
This rhyme can also be found as "Monsieur Pouce" (Mister Thumb).
Petit Pouce
Little Thumb
Jeu de doigts
Finger Play
Toc, toc toc, (1)
Petit Pouce, es-tu là ?
Chut, je dors ! (2)
Toc, toc toc, (1)
Petit Pouce, es-tu là ?
Oui, je sors ! (3)
Knock, knock, knock,
Little Thumb, are you in?
Hush, I'm sleeping!
Knock, knock, knock,
Little Thumb, are you in?
Yes, I'm going out!
Monique wrote, "The 1st version is the one we know - 'we' being our group of friends. I remember doing it over and over again. The oldest of all my friends' kids was almost 2 years old (=30 years ago!) and he kept showing his fist and thumb and saying to my sister "Fais, fais!" ("Do, do!").
Game Instructions
To Start: The thumb is hidden in the fist.
(1) Knock three times on the fist and ask the question, "Petit Pouce, es-tu là ?"
(2) On "chut" (hush) put forefinger to the mouth.
(3) Pop your thumb up.

"-Toc, toc, toc, monsieur Pouce, es-tu là ?
Toc, toc, toc, monsieur Pouce, es-tu là ?
-Chut, je dors.
-Toc, toc, toc, monsieur Pouce, es-tu là ?
-Oui, je sors. Bonjour les petits pouces, bonjour maman (bise, bise), bonjour papa (bise, bise), bonjour grand frère (bise, bise), bonjour petite sœur (bise, bise). Bonjour à tous ! Les petits doigts sont réveillés, il est l'heure d'aller déjeuner."
English Translation:
"Knock, knock, knock, Mister Thumb, are you in?
No one.
Knock, knock, knock, Mister Thumb, are you in?"
"Hush, I'm sleeping."
"Knock, knock, knock, Mister Thumb, are you in?"
"Yes, I'm going out. Good morning little thumbs, good morning Mommy (kiss, kiss), good morning Daddy (kiss, kiss), good morning big brother (kiss, kiss), good morning little sister (kiss, kiss). Good morning everybody! The little fingers are awake, it's time for breakfast."
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this rhyme.
Merci beaucoup !