Alegría, alegría, alegría
Alegría, alegría, alegría
Joy, Joy, Joy
Canción de Navidad
Christmas Carol
Hacia Belén, se encaminan,
María con su amante esposo,
Llevando en su compañía,
A todo un Dios poderoso.
Alegría, alegría, alegría,
Alegría, alegría y placer,
Que la Virgen, va de paso
Con su esposo hacia Belén.
Los pajarillos del bosque,
Al ver pasar los esposos,
Les cantaban melodías,
Con sus trinos armoniosos...
En cuanto a Belén llegaron,
Posada al punto pidieron,
Nadie los quiso hospedar,
Porque tan pobres les vieron.
Mary and her loving husband,
Are going to Bethlehem,
They have in their company
An almighty God.
Joy, joy, joy,
Joy, joy and pleasure
The Virgin is on her way
With her husband to Bethlehem.
The little birds in the woods,
As they saw the couple pass by,
Sang them melodies
With their harmonious tweets.
Upon reaching Bethlehem,
They asked for lodging,
Nobody wanted to oblige
Because they saw they were so poor.
You can hear the chorus sung in the recording below.
Many thanks to Mrs. Mynelle Howells and her 6AA Spanish class (2007) from Trinity Lutheran School for singing for us!
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Thanks to Mrs. Mynelle Howells for providing the lyrics to Alegría, alegría, alegría and for the English translation of the chorus. The three verses were translated by Lisa and Monique.
Image: Saint Joseph Seeks Lodging in Bethlehem, James Tissot, France, (created) 1886-1894.
¡Muchas gracias!