Chiko miniko
Chiko miniko
Little Pinkie
Finger Play
Finger Play
Chiko miniko
rey del aniyiko
alto i vano
rey de la mano.
Uno kere pan
uno kere kezo
uno kere leche
uno kere karne
uno kere irse onde la nona
i se va, por aki...por aki...por aki.
-Little Pinkie,
-King of the ring,
-Tall and vain,
-King of the hand.
One wants bread,
One wants cheese,
One wants milk,
One wants meat,
One wants to go to grandma
And he goes this way, this way, this way.
We found this rhyme in Aki Yerushalayim, a magazine dedicated to the Sephardic culture and folklore.
Game Instructions
You touch or lightly squeeze the baby's fingers starting with the pinkie. At the end, you run your fingers up the baby's arm to his neck to tickle him.
The document on which we found the rhyme doesn't mention if the 2nd verse is played like the 1st but the pinkie should be the one wanting to go to grandma since he's the smallest. The 2nd verse should begin with the thumb.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique Palomares.