This song is from Limousin.


"Guilanèu" (guilanneu, guillanée and other guiannée, guillonnée, guillounnée etc.) means, "New Year's gift". The word comes from the phrase "Au gui l'an neuf" (lit. "To the mistletoe the new year") itself coming from the Celtic/Gaelic phrase "O ghel an heu" (May the wheat germinate), words exchanged as New Year's wishes in older times just like the current, "Bonne année !" (Happy New Year!).
For more information about it, read the very interesting article from Christian Souchon's website and for those who understand French, here's one from Wikipedia.

*"jaques" (pr. [za'ke] = "zah'key") dried and smoked then rehydrated.
**"de la borsada" = boiled
***billon: an alloy of a precious metal (most commonly silver, but also gold) with a majority base metal content (such as copper). It's used chiefly for making coins, medals, and token coins.


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Lo guilanèu

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translation and notes by Monique Palomares.