Chut, chut, chut
(Version lengadociana)
This version of the song is from Languedoc. The song has several versions.
You'll find a longer version in the Song Notes and a Gascon version at this Mama Lisa's Page.
Some people repeat the first two lines.
Chut, chut, chut
(Version lengadociana)
Shush, Shush, Shush
(Languedoc Version)
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Dins un establet aval
Es nascut polit Nadal
Dins una grèpia de rocada
Ame de palha per flaçada…
Chut, chut, chut
Que l'enfant dòrm
Pas tant de bruch.
Chut, chut, chut
Que l'enfant dòrm
Pas tant de bruch.
Lo cordonièr ven exprès
Per li faire de solièrs.
Pim, pam, pom, pica la semèla
Mas Sant Josèp lèu l'interpèla…
L'amolaire qu'a pas set
Vòl li faire un cotelet.
A virar la mòla s'aprèsta
Mas Sant Josèp viste l'arrèsta…
Puèi es vengut un fustièr
Li faire un brèç de noguièr.
N'es a la primièira vireta
Que Sant Josèp li ditz "pauseta"…
Tres femnòtas per lo mens
Pòrtan ensemble de presents.
Caduna vòl parlar primièira
Cridan coma de peissonièiras…
Aquí los mages Gaspard
Melquiòr e Baltasar.
Tanlèu lo pòble los aclama
E Sant Josèp solet s'exclama…
In a little cowshed down there,
The pretty Child* was born
In a stony manger
With some straw as a blanket…
Shush, shush, shush,
The child's sleeping,
Don't make so much noise.
Shush, shush, shush,
The child's sleeping,
Don't make so much noise.
The shoemaker comes expressly
To make him shoes.
Pim, pam, poom, he hits on the sole
But Saint Joseph soon calls out to him…
The grinder who's not thirsty
Wants to make a penknife for him.
He's about to spin the grinding wheel
But Saint Joseph quickly stops him…
Then a carpenter came
To make him a walnut wood cradle.
He's doing the first turn
When Saint Joseph tells him "Break!"…
Three little women at least
Bring presents together.
Each one wants to speak first,
They shout like fishmongers…
There comes the Magis Gaspar,
Melchior and Balthazar.
At once the people cheer them
And Saint Joseph, alone, exclaims…
*Baby Jesus. In Occitan and French Christmas carols, Baby Jesus is often called "Christmas".
Here is a longer version of this song. It was published in 1910 in Toulouse.
Anuèit qu'es nascut Nadal (Last night the Child was born)
Dins un tan polit ostal, (In such a pretty house)
Dins una cramba de parada (In an extravagant bedroom)
De palha pasimentada. (Lined with straw.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Chut, chut, chut, chut! (Shush, shush, shush, shush!)
L'enfant dòrm, pas tant de bruch. (The child's sleeping, Don't make so much noise)
Chut, chut, chut, chut! (Shush, shush, shush, shush!)
L'enfant dòrm, pas tant de bruch. (The child's sleeping, Don't make so much noise)
Los anjolets l'an anonçat (The little angels announced it)
E dins los aires l'an cantat, (And in the air they sang it)
L'un que sonava una trompeta (One played a trumpet)
E l'autre qu'aviá una pifreta. (And the other had a little fife.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Tots pastors son arribats (All the shepherds arrived)
Damb los esclòps totis ferrats (With hobnailed clogs)
L'un que portava una coqueta (One brought a little cake )
E l'autre qu'aviá una cogeta. (And the other one had a zucchini.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Dins aquel petit ostalet (In that little small house)
An trobat lo Nadalet, (They found the little Child )
cochat per dessús Maria (Lying upon Mary )
dambe palha darnièr l'esquina. (With straw under her back.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Un capucin escarabillat (An alert Capuchin* monk)
Vòl cantar lo Magnificat (Wants to sing the Magnificat)
Pendent que compòsa la nòta (While he's composing the note)
Josèp lo pren per la calòta. (Joseph takes him by his cap.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Un cordelièr tot adromit (A slumbering Cordelier* friar)
Ven per fretar lo petit (Comes to rub the little one)
Pendent que se grata la nuca (While he's scratching his nape)
Josèp lo pren per la perruca. (Joseph takes him by his hair.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Aquí tanben qu'i a un buòu (There is also an ox)
Que non minja ni non beu. (That neither eats nor drinks)
N'es pas que non n'auja enveja (It's not that he wouldn't want to)
Mas digús non le'n carreja. (But nobody brings him anything.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Aquí i a un ase estacat (There's a tied up donkey)
D'el digús non a pietat, (Nobody pities him)
Josèp lo tira per la coeta (Joseph pulls him by the tail)
Alavètz l'ase que peta.** (Then the donkey farts.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Tots pastors de Betleèm (All the Bethlehem shepherds)
Son tornats dambe lo Guilhèm. (Have come back with William.)
Josèp qu'es darnièr la pòrta (Joseph who's behind the door)
Los te flanca un còp d'endòrta. (Hits them with a wicker sprig.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Qué portaràs tu Janòt, (What will you bring, Johnny)
De castanhas un sacòt, (A bagful of chestnuts)
Dambe un desquetat d'esteretas (With a basketful of wood shavings)
Per li far calfar las manetas. (To warm his little hands.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
Qué portaràs tu, Catin? (What will you bring, Cathy)
Un grand bocin de bodin (A big piece of black pudding)
Dambe un talhuc de fromatge (With a chunk of cheese)
Ende far minjar lo mainatge. (To make the child eat.)
(Repic) (Chorus)
*Cordelier Friars and Capuchin Monks are in the order of Franciscan Monks.
**In some versions, the line is "Alavètz l'ase que… canta" (Then the donkey… sings) but everybody understands what the actual verb should be because of the rhyme.
Additional verses:
Lo pastre a quitat son prat, (The shepherd has left his meadow)
En cantant es arribat. (He arrived singing)
Sant Josèp se met sus la pòrta (Saint Joseph goes on the threshold)
E l'arrèsta d'una votz fòrta. (And stops him with a strong voice.)
Lo fifraire del païs (The local fife player)
Pòrta tanben son otís. (Also brings his instrument)
Per complaire al Filh, a la Maire, (To please the Son and the Mother)
Li vòl jogar son plus bel aire. (He wants to play them his finest tune.)
You can hear this sung here and there a 7:29.

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Contributed and translated by Monique Palomares.
Mercé plan!