El señor don Gato

El señor don Gato
Lord Tom Cat
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Estaba el señor Don Gato
sentadito en su tejado
marramiau miau, miau, miau,
sentadito en su tejado.
Ha recibido una carta
por si quiere ser casado,
marramiau, miau, miau, miau,
por si quiere ser casado.
Con una gatita blanca
sobrina de un gato pardo,
marramiau, miau, miau, miau,
sobrina de un gato pardo.
El gato por ir a verla
se ha caído del tejado,
marramiau, miau, miau, miau,
se ha caído del tejado.
Se ha roto seis costillas
el espinazo y el rabo,
marramiau, miau, miau, miau,
el espinazo y el rabo.
Ya lo llevan a enterrar
por la calle del pescado,
marramiau, miau, miau, miau,
por la calle del pescado.
Al olor de las sardinas
el gato ha resucitado,
marramiau, miau, miau, miau,
el gato ha resucitado.
Por eso dice la gente
"siete vidas tiene un gato",
marramiau, miau, miau, miau,
"siete vidas tiene un gato".
Lord Tom Cat was
Sitting on his roof.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Sitting on his roof.
He received a letter
Asking if he wants to get married.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Asking if he wants to get married.
With a white kitty,
Niece of a brown cat.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Niece of a brown cat.
As the cat went to visit her,
He fell down from the roof.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
He fell down from the roof.
He broke six ribs,
His spine and his tail.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
His spine and his tail.
He's taken to be buried
Through the street of the fishmongers.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Through the street of the fishmongers.
Smelling some sardines,
The cat was resuscitated.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
The cat was resuscitated.
That's why people say,
"A cat has seven lives."
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
"A cat has seven lives".
Élodie sent us this version of Dona Gato which she sings in the recording below. It's the most well-known version:
Estaba el señor Don Gato
Sentadito en su tejado
Miarrau miau miau miau
Sentadito en su tejado.
Cuando le vinieron nuevas
Que había de ser casado
Miarrau miau miau miau
Que había de ser casado.
Con una gatita parda
Con un pinta en el rabo
Miarrau miau miau miau
Con un pinta en el rabo.
El gato de la alegría
Se ha caído del tejado
Miarrau miau miau miau
Se ha caído del tejado.
Se ha roto siete costillas
Y la puntita del rabo
Miarrau miau miau miau
Y la puntita del rabo.
Le llevaron a enterrar
Por la calle del pescado
miarrau miau miau miau
Por la calle del pescado.
Al olor de las sardinas
Don Gato ha resucitado
Miarrau miau miau miau
Don Gato ha resucitado.
English Translation
Lord Tom Cat was
Sitting on his roof,
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Sitting on his roof.
He received news
Saying he had to get married,
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Saying he had to get married.
With a grey kitty
With a spot on her tail,
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
With a spot on her tail.
The cat in his exuberance
Fell down from the roof,
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Fell down from the roof.
He broke seven ribs
And the end of his tail,
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
And the end of his tail.
He's taken to be buried,
Through the street of the fishmongers,
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Through the street of the fishmongers.
Smelling some sardines,
Lord Tom Cat was resuscitated.
Marrameow, meow, meow, meow,
Lord Tom Cat was resuscitated.

The version sung in the mp3 is the version in the notes.
Many thanks also to Élodie Chebat for the variation of the song and for singing this song for us!
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Cleofé García González for contributing this song and to Monique Palomares for translating it (with Lisa Yannucci) and for creating the midi music.
¡Muchas gracias!