Arroz con leche
"Arroz con leche" is sung all over the Spanish speaking world.

Arroz con leche
Rice Pudding
Canción infantil
Circle Game
Arroz con leche
Me quiero casar
Con una señorita
que sepa bailar.
Que sepa coser
Que sepa planchar
Que sepa abrir la puerta
Para ir a jugar.
(Versión 2)
Arroz con leche
Me quiero casar
Con una viudita
de la capital
Que sepa coser
Que sepa bordar
Que ponga la mesa
En su santo lugar.
Yo soy la viudita
La hija del Rey
Me quiero casar
Y no hallo con quién.
Rice Pudding
I want to get married
To a lady
Who knows how to dance.
Who knows how to sew,
Who knows how to iron,
Who knows how to open the door
To go out to play.
(Version 2)
Rice pudding,
I want to get married
To a little widow
From the capital.
Who knows how to sew,
Who knows how to embroider,
Who puts the table
In its holy place.
I am the widow
The King's daughter,
I want to get married,
And I don't know to whom.
Repeat the song faster and faster.
Game Instructions
The children stand in a circle holding hands, while one kid goes in the middle. The children walk around while singing the first verse.
The child in the middle runs in the middle of the circle. Then he chooses a child by pointing to him or her while singing "Con éste (or ésta) sí". Then he points to another child and sings, "Con éste (or ésta) no". Then he points to the first kid again singing, "Con esta señorita (or este señorito) me caso yo". The two kids hold hands and dance in the circle.
Then first child who was in the middle joins the outer circle. The other kid runs in the middle of the circle and choses a new child to join her.
The game continues until all the people in the circle are "married".

Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing this song. Translation by Mama Lisa.
¡Muchas gracias!