Tengo una vaca lechera
Tengo una vaca lechera
I Have a Dairy cow
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Tengo una vaca lechera
No es una vaca cualquiera
Me da leche merengada
¡Hay que vaca tan salada!
Tolón, tolón.
Un cencerro le he comprado
Y a mi vaca le ha gustado
Se pasea por el prado
Mata moscas con el rabo
Tolón, tolón.
I have a dairy cow
It's no ordinary cow,
It gives me meringue milkshakes*
Oh! What a nice cow!
Ding, dong!**
I bought it a cowbell
And my cow liked it,
It strolls across the meadow
It kills flies with its tail.
Ding, dong!
*Leche merengada is a drink that's like a shake or slushy. It's made with milk, cinnamon, sugar, lemon zest and egg whites. The egg whites are made into a meringue and mixed in and the whole mixture is chilled in the freezer for a couple of hours. It's sometimes made thicker and eaten as ice cream.
**Tolón, tolón is an onomatopoeia imitating the sound of big bells ringing (= ding dong).
At the end of Alicia's rendition in the recording she sings...
"Qué felices viviremos cuando vuelvas a mi lado
con tus quesos, ricos quesos
que son toda mi ilusión."
(How happy we will live when you come back to me
with your cheeses, delicious cheeses,
which are all my joy.)
Many thanks to Alicia Calvo for recording this song for us.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Ccibian for contributing this song.
Translated by Monique and Lisa.
¡Muchas gracias!