Mi granja
This song is like "Old McDonald Had a Farm" but the tune is different.
Mi granja
My Farm
Canción infantil
Children's Song
Vengan a ver mi granja vengan todos,
Vengan a ver mi granja que es hermosa,
Y, el perro hace así: guau, guau, guau
Y, el perro hace así: guau, guau, guau.
Vengan a ver mi granja vengan todos,
vengan a ver mi granja que es hermosa,
Y, la vaca hace así: muu
Y, la vaca hace así: muu.
Vengan a ver mi granja vengan todos,
vengan a ver mi granja que es hermosa,
Y, el gallo hace así: quiquiriquí
Y, el gallo hace así: quiquiriquí.
Vengan a ver mi granja vengan todos,
vengan a ver mi granja que es hermosa,
Y, la oveja hace así: bee
Y, la oveja hace así: bee.
Vengan a ver mi granja vengan todos,
vengan a ver mi granja que es hermosa,
Y, el cerdo hace así: oenc, oenc
Y, el cerdo hace así: oenc, oenc.
Se repite cambiando el animal cada vez
Come and see my farm, please come you all,
Come and see my farm, it's beautiful
And the dog goes like this: woof, woof, woof
And the dog goes like this: woof, woof, woof.
Come and see my farm, please come you all,
Come and see my farm, it's beautiful
And the cow goes like this: moo
And the cow goes like this: moo.
Come and see my farm, please come you all,
Come and see my farm, it's beautiful
And the rooster goes like this: cockle-doodle-do
And the rooster goes like this: cockle-doodle-do.
Come and see my farm, please come you all,
Come and see my farm, it's beautiful
And the sheep goes like this: baa
And the sheep goes like this: baa.
Come and see my farm, please come you all,
Come and see my farm, it's beautiful
And the pig goes like this: oink, oink
And the pig goes like this: oink, oink.
The verse is repeated changing the animal
The translation is singable
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Esther Patruno and a friend of hers for contributing this song and to Monique Palomares for translating it.
Thanks to Del and the children at Wullingkamma Nursery School and Lower Basic in The Gambia for sharing the wonderful illustration.
¡Muchas gracias!