La pastora Catalina
This song is originally from Andalusia, Spain. This South American version mentions specific South American food such as Chuño and Tuntita.
La pastora Catalina
The Shepherdess Catherine
Canción de Navidad
Christmas Carol
La pastora Catalina
también lleva su regalo
de naranjitas de china,
un borriquito cargado
de naranjitas de china,
un borriquito cargado.
Pastores venid,
pastores llegad,
a adorar al niño
que ha nacido ya.
Un pastor traía chuño
y otro tuntitas cocidas,
otro habas retostadas,
y otro lana de alpaca,
otro habas retostadas,
y otro lana de alpaca.
Pastores venid,
pastores llegad,
a adorar al niño
que ha nacido ya.
The shepherdess Catherine
Brings her present too:
A small donkey loaded
With kumquats,
A small donkey loaded
With kumquats.
Shepherds, come,
Shepherds, come
To adore the child
Who was just born.
One shepherd brought chuño*
And another cooked tuntitas**,
Another brought toasted fava beans,
And another, alpaca wool,
Another brought toasted fava beans,
And another, alpaca wool.
Shepherds, come,
Shepherds, come
To adore the child
Who was just born.
*Chuño is freeze-dried potatoes (see Wikipedia for more info).
**Tuntita or tunta is white chuño that you get by washing the frozen potatoes and allowing it to dry in the sun.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Edmundo Vicente Encinas Torrez for contributing this song and for the sheet music. Translated by Monique Palomares and Lisa Yannucci.
¡Muchas gracias!