Los pollos de mi cazuela
Los pollos de mi cazuela
The Chickens in My Pot
Canción de corro
Circle Dance
Los pollos de mi cazuela
No sirven para comer
Solo para las viuditas
Que lo saben componer.
Compone niña compone
Ya llega tu marinero
Con este bonito traje
Que parece un carpintero.
Anoche yo te vi
A la orilla de tu jardín
Moviendo la cinturita
Para allá y para acá
Para allá y para acá.
The Chickens in my pot
Are not for me to eat,
Only for the widows
Who know how to make them.
Get ready girl, get ready,
Your sailor is here
With that nice suit,
That looks like a carpenter.
I saw you last night
On the edge of your garden
Swinging your waist
Here and there
Here and there!
Game Instructions
The children form a circle and hold hands. One kid goes in the middle. The circle goes skipping around clockwise while the child in the middle goes counter-clockwise. On the last verse, they stop walking, put their hands on their waist and move their hips from side to side. The child in the middle stops before someone (they keep moving hips side to side until the song is over). Then they swap roles and the game starts again.
Check out the Colombian version of Los pollos de mi cazuela.
Check out the Cuban version of Los pollos de mi cazuela.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Lisa.
¡Muchas gracias!