Os três gatinhos
Os três gatinhos
The Three Kittens
Children's Song
Children's Song
Os três gatinhos
perderam os chapelinhos
puseram-se a chorar
oh mãe, mãezinha
os nossos chapelinhos
não os podemos achar
Perderam os chapelinhos?
Aí que feios gatinhos!
Então não vão brincar
Miau fru-fru
Miau fru-fru
Os três gatinhos
acharam os chapelinhos
puseram-se a cantar
oh mãe, mãezinha
os nossos chapelinhos
já os conseguimos achar
Acharam os chapelinhos
ai que lindos gatinhos
então já vão brincar
Miau fru-fru
Miau fru-fru
The three kittens
Lost their little hats
They started crying,
Oh mother, mommy,
Our little hats
We can't find them.
You lost your little hats?
Oh bad kittens!
You're not going to play.
Meow fru fru
Meow fru fru.
The three kittens
Found the little hats
And started singing,
Oh mother, mommy,
Our little hats
We could find them.
You found the little hats.
Oh so, good kittens,
Now you can go play.
Meow fru fru
Meow fru fru.
This song seems to be a variation of the English nursery song, The Three Little Kittens.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Carolina Vargas for contributing and translating this song.