La presó de Nàpols
La presó de Nàpols
The Prison in Naples
Traditional Song
Traditional Song
A la ciutat de Nàpols
N'hi ha una presó
La vida mia,
N'hi ha una presó
La vida mia, la vida amor.
N'hi ha vint-i-nou presos
Que canten la cançó
La vida mia,
Que canten la cançó
La vida mia, la vida amor.
La dama està en finestra
Que escolta la cançó
La vida mia,
Que escolta la cançó
La vida mia, la vida amor.
Per què cantau presos?
Per què no cantau no?
La vida mia,
Per què no cantau no?
La vida mia, la vida amor.
Com cantarem senyora
Si estam dins la presó?
La vida mia,
Si estam dins la presó?
La vida mia, la vida amor.
Sense menja ni beure
Més que algún rossegó
La vida mia,
més que algún rossegó
La vida mia, la vida amor.
Demà serà dissabte
Mos penjaran a tots
La vida mia,
Mos penjaran a tots
La vida mia, la vida amor.
In the city of Naples,
There is a prison,
My life,
There is a prison,
My life, love of life.
There are twenty-nine prisoners
Who sing the song,
My life,
Who sing the song
My life, love of life.
The lady is by the window,
Listening to the song,
My life,
Listening to the song,
My life, love of life.
Why do you sing, prisoners?
Why don't you sing, you don't,
My life,
Why don't you sing, you don't,
My life, love of life.
How will we sing, lady,
If we're in prison?
My life,
If we're in prison?
My life, love of life.
Without eating or drinking,
But only a chunk of bread,
My life,
But only a chunk of bread,
My life, love of life.
Tomorrow will be Saturday,
They'll hang us all,
My life,
They'll hang us all,
My life, love of life.
There are many versions of this songs, the best known in Catalan being "La presó de Lleida". Very similar songs exist in French, Italian and Greek.
Many thanks to Margarita Oliver for contributing and singing this song for us! Check out her Facebook page Lletra petiteta, a children's radio program in Catalan with stories and music for children.