El dimoni escuat
El dimoni escuat
The Devil Without a Tail
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Allà sota una penya
N'és nat el Jesuset,
Nuet, nuet,
Allà sota una penya
N'és nat el Jesuset,
Nuet, nuet,
Que és fill de mare verge
I està mig mort de fred,
Nuet, nuet,
I està mig mort de fred.
El bon Josep li deia:
–Jesús, que esteu fredet,
Pobret, pobret!
El bon Josep li deia:
–Jesús, que esteu fredet,
Pobret, pobret!
La Verge responia:
–Per falta d'abriguet,
Pobret, pobret,
Per falta d'abriguet.
Pastors hi arribaven
Allà a la mitjanit,
Cri-cric, cri-cric,
Pastors hi arribaven
Allà a la mitjanit,
Cri-cric, cri-cric,
Veient que tots hi anaven,
Del gran fins al més xic,
Cri-cric, cri-cric,
Del gran fins al més xic.
Els pastorets s'engresquen
I ballen tot sonant,
Galant, galant,
Els pastorets s'engresquen
I ballen tot sonant,
Galant, galant,
Ballets i contradanses
Per fer alegrar l'Infant,
Galant, galant,
pPer fer alegrar l'Infant.
A prop d'allí passava
Un dimoni escuat,
Patrip, patrap,
A prop d'allí passava
Un dimoni escuat,
Patrip, patrap,
Sentint tanta gatzara
A dins se n'és ficat,
Patrip, patrap,
A dins se n'és ficat.
Els pastorets en veure'l
S'hi tiren al damunt,
Patim, patum,
Els pastorets en veure'l
S'hi tiren al damunt,
Patim, patum,
I tantes n'hi mesuren
Que el deixen mig difunt,
Patim, patum,
Que el deixen mig difunt.
There, below a boulder
Baby Jesus was born,
Naked, naked,
There, below a boulder
Baby Jesus was born,
Naked, naked,
Who is the son of a virgin mother
And is half dead from the cold,
Naked, naked,
And is half dead from the cold.
Good Joseph tells him,
"Jesus, you're cold".
Poor dear, poor dear,
Good Joseph tells him,
"Jesus, you're cold",
Poor dear, poor dear.
The Virgin answered,
"For want of a coat,
Poor dear,
For want of a coat".
Shepherds were arriving
Around midnight,
Cri-cric, cri-cric,
Shepherds were arriving
Around midnight,
Cri-cric, cri-cric.
Seeing everybody going
From the oldest to the youngest,
Cri-cric, cri-cric,
From the oldest to the youngest.
The shepherds get lively
And dance as they play
Gallant, gallant,
The shepherds get lively
And dance as they play
Gallant, gallant,
Ballets* and contredanses
To gladden the Child
Gallant, gallant,
To gladden the Child.
Near there passed by
A demon without a tail,
Patrip, patrap,
Near there passed by
A demon without a tail,
Patrip, patrap.
Hearing such a racket,
He went inside,
Patrip, patrap,
He went inside.
As the shepherds saw him,
They pounced on him,
Patim, patum,
As the shepherds saw him,
They pounced on him,
Patim, patum.
And they hit him so much
That they left him half dead,
Patim, patum,
That they left him half dead.
*"Ballets" in this case are folk dances.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing and translating this song, and for the midi and sheet music.
Moltes gràcies