
Another version goes:

Les dotze van tocant
ja és nat el Déu Infant
fill de Maria.

El cel és estrellat
el món és tot glaçat
neva i venteja.

La Mare i el Fillet
estan mig morts de fred
i el Vell tremola.

Josep a poc a poc
encén allà un gran foc
i els àngels canten.

En mig de fred i neu,
el foc d'amor d'un Déu
els cors desglaça.

Per això tots van cantant:
ja és nat el Déu Infant
fill de Maria.

English Translation

Midnight is striking
The Child-God has been born,
Mary's son.

The sky is starry
The world is frozen
It's snowing and the wind's blowing.

Mother and Son
Are half-dead from the cold,
And the Old Man is shivering.

Joseph, little by little,
There, lights a great fire,
And the angels sing.

Among the cold and snow
A God's fire of love
Warms up their hearts.

For all are singing,
The Child-God has been born,
Mary's son.


You can hear Les dotze van tocant - Midnight Is Striking on YouTube.


Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Les dotze van tocant

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Many thanks to Irene Comas for contributing this song and translating it into Spanish. Many thanks to Monique Palomares for contributing the second version and translating them both into English (with a little help from Lisa Yannucci), and for the midi tune and sheet music.

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