Sol solet
Sol solet
Sun, Little Sun
Children's Song
Children's Song
Sol solet,
vine'm a veure
vine'm a veure
sol solet
vine'm a veure
que tinc fred.
Si tens fred
posa't la capa
posa't la capa
si tens fred,
posa't la capa
i el barret.
No tinc capa ni barret,
per abrigar-me,
per abrigar-me
no tinc capa ni barret,
per abrigar-me
quan fa fred!.
Sun, little sun,
Come and visit me,
Come and visit me.
Sun, little sun,
Come and visit me
'cause I'm cold.
If you're cold,
Put on your cloak,
Put on your cloak.
If you're cold,
Put on your cloak
And your cap.
I have neither cloak nor cap
To protect myself,
To protect myself.
I have neither cloak nor cap
To protect myself,
When it's cold.
I was sent this translation of an alternate version of the last verse with a note: "This is a really typical Catalan song that every child knows. It's like the moon and the plum but with the sun. There are several more: cargol treu banya, baixant de la font del gat, la pastoreta...
Catalan is spoken for more than ten million people and actually it is a co-official language in Spain. "
El pobre sol solet
No té capa
No té capa,
El pobre sol solet
No té capa
Ni barret.
The poor little sun
Hasn't got a cloak
Hasn't got a cloak
The poor little sun
Hasn't got a cloak or a hat.
In the recording, for the last verse, Alicia sings the verse that's in the notes below the song.
Many thanks to Alicia Calvo for recording this song for us.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to Irene Comas for contributing and translating this song into Spanish. Many thanks also to Monique Palomares for the English translation, the midi tune and the sheet music.
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