Falade ben baixo
Falade ben baixo
Speak Very Low
Christmas Carol
Christmas Carol
Falade ben baixo, petade pouquiño
pra que no desperte o noso ruliño.
Ay miña xoia, meu queridiño
eu ben quisiera darche agarimo
terte n'o colo acochadiño.
Miña xoia meu rapaz,
miña xoia ¡como estás!
Qu'estás tembrando de frio.
¡Ay que lástima me das!
Qu'estás tembrando de frio.
¡Ay que lastima me das!
Speak very low, knock softly
So that our little dove doesn't wake up.
Oh, my jewel, my little darling,
I'd really like to give you shelter,
To hold you warmly in my lap.
My jewel, my child,
My jewel, what a state you're in!
You're shivering with cold.
Oh, how sorry I feel for you
As you're shivering with cold.
Oh, what pity you make me feel!
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Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Monique and Lisa.