This song is sometimes used at parties to dance in a long chain around the room like the hora dance. Kids also sing this while playing with toy trains.


*A town

Alternate Version:

Megy a gőzös, megy a gőzös Kanizsára.
Kanizsai, kanizsai állomásra.
Elöl ül a masiniszta,
Ki a gőzöst, ki a gőzöst igazítja.

English Translation:

The steam engine, the steam engine goes to Kanizsa*
To Kanizai, Kanizsai Station
The engine-driver sits in the engineer's cabin,
He adjusts, he adjusts the steamer.

You can hear this version here.


According to Wikipedia (in Hungarian), "This piece was premiered on April 10, 1880 at the Folk Theater in Budapest, and was played by Erkel Elek."

In the version below they sing the last two lines of each verse twice.

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Sheet Music

Sheet Music - Megy a gőzös

Thanks and Acknowledgements

Thanks to Zakor Dóra for sharing this song with us! Translation by Lisa.