Log Song
Folk Song
Folk Song
1. Tien laidassa oli mökki,
tien laidassa oli mökki,
tien laidassa oli hirsimökki,
humppa humppa hei.
2. Ja mökissä oli ukko,
ja mökissä oli ukko,
ja mökissä oli hirsiukko,
humppa humppa hei.
3. Ja ukolla oli akka,
ja ukolla oli akka,
ja ukolla oli hirsiakka,
humppa humppa hei.
4. Ja akalla oli poika,
ja akalla oli poika,
ja akalla oli hirsipoika,
humppa humppa hei.
5. Ja pojalla oli auto,
ja pojalla oli auto,
ja pojalla oli hirsiauto,
humppa humppa hei.
6. Ja autossa oli pyörä,
ja autossa oli pyörä,
ja autossa oli hirsipyörä,
humppa humppa hei.
7. Ja pyörässä oli aksel',
ja pyörässä oli aksel',
ja pyörässä oli hirsiaksel,
humppa humppa hei.
8. Ja akselis' oli naula,
ja akselis' oli naula,
ja akselis' oli hirsinaula,
humppa humppa hei.
9. Ja naulassa oli kanta,
ja naulassa oli kanta,
ja naulassa oli hirsikanta,
humppa humppa hei.
10. Ja tähän loppui laulu,
ja tähän loppui laulu,
ja tähän loppui hirsilaulu,
humppa humppa hei.
1. Beside the road, there was a cabin,
Beside the road, there was a cabin,
Beside the road, there was a log cabin,
Humppa humppa hei.
2. In the cabin, there was a man,
In the cabin, there was a man,
In the cabin, there was a log man,
Humppa humppa hei.
3. And the man had a wife,
And the man had a wife,
And the man had a log wife,
Humppa humppa hei.
4. And the wife had a son,
And the wife had a son,
And the wife had a log son,
Humppa humppa hei.
5. And the son had a car,
And the son had a car,
And the son had a log car,
Humppa humppa hei.
6. On the car, there was a wheel,
On the car, there was a wheel,
On the car, there was a log wheel,
Humppa humppa hei.
7. In the wheel, there was an axle,
In the wheel, there was an axle,
In the wheel, there was a log axle,
Humppa humppa hei.
8. In the axle, there was a nail,
In the axle, there was a nail,
In the axle, there was a log nail,
Humppa humppa hei.
9. On the nail, there was a head,
On the nail, there was a head,
On the nail, there was a log head,
Humppa humppa hei.
10. This is the end of the song,
This is the end of the song,
This is the end of the log song,
Humppa humppa hei.
Sheet Music
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to MAE KaBi for sharing this song with the translation! You can access MAE KaBi's recording of this song on her Bandcamp page.