
Another Version

Eins, zwei, Papagei
drei, vier, Grenadier*
fünf, sechs, alte Hex'
sieben, acht, Kaffee gemacht
neun, zehn, weiter geh'n
elf, zwölf, junge Wölf'
dreizehn, vierzehn, Haselnuss
fünfzehn, sechzehn, du bist duss.

English Translation:

One, two, parrot
Three, four, soldier*
Five, six, old witch
Seven, eight, make coffee
Nine, ten, go on
Eleven, twelve, young wolves
Thirteen, fourteen, hazelnuts
Fifteen, sixteen, you're dumb!

*Infantryman, sometimes it's "Offizier" (officer).

Game Instructions

Put up your fingers for each number and perform the following actions on the following words:

1. Papagei (Parrot): Put hands/arms to your sides like you're flying.
2. Offizier (Officer): Put your hand up to your forehead like you're saluting.
3. Kleine Hexe (Little Witch): Move your hand like your performing a spell.
4. Gute Nacht (Good night): Put your hands together to the side of your face to mime going to sleep.
5. Auf Wiedersehen (Goodbye): Wave goodbye.
6. Es kommen die Wölf' (The wolf is coming): Howl like a wolf, ah-wooo!


There are many versions of this rhyme.

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Thanks and Acknowledgements

Translated by Mama Lisa.