Eine Kleine Spinne
Eine Kleine Spinne
The Itsy Bitsy Spider
Children's Song
Children's Song
Die klitzekleine Spinne
Kroch in die Regenrinne
Der Regen kam und
Spülte die Spinne aus der Rinne
Dann kam die Sonne und
Vertrieb den Regen
Die klitzekleine Spinne
Kroch wieder in die Rinne.
The tiny spider
Crept in the water spout,
The rain came and
Washed the spider out of the spout,
Then came the sun and
Dried the rain,
And the tiny spider
Crept in the spout again.
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Thanks and Acknowledgements
Many thanks to KinderliederTV.de for sharing this rhyme with the translation and video!
Thanks to Monique Palomares for the literal translation.