Era una paloma
A rhyme about punctuation...
Era una paloma
It was a Pigeon
Rima para jugar a las palmas
Hand Clapping Rhyme
Era una paloma,
Punto y coma,
Se fue de su nido,
Punto seguido,
Luego se fue a Marte,
Punto aparte,
Tuvo tres hijitos,
Tres puntitos
Era un animal,
Punto final.
It was a pigeon,
It left its nest,
Stop, new sentence,*
Then it went to Mars,
New paragraph,
It had three little children,
It was an animal,
Full stop.
*This term doesn't exist in English typography, it means that you go on writing on the same line.
Thanks and Acknowledgements
Translated by Mama Lisa and Tatie Monique.